Complaints and petitions

Complaints and petitions

Filing a complaint or petition

Every person has the right, alone or with others, to address requests, proposals and complaints to public authorities.

According to Act no. 9/2010 Z. z. on complaints, as amended, all public administration bodies are obliged to receive complaints and, in the event that they are not competent to process or investigate them, they are obliged to forward them to the competent authority without delay.

A complaint is a submission by a natural person or a legal entity, which demands the protection of their rights or interests protected by law, which they believe have been violated by the activity or inaction of a public administration body, or points to specific shortcomings, in particular to violations of legal regulations, the elimination of which is in powers of the public authority.

The National Agency for Network and Electronic Services, due to its position and powers, is authorized to investigate only complaints directed against its employees and its activities, other submissions are processed or investigated by the competent authority.

In the event that requests, proposals or complaints are in matters of public interest or other common interest, a person may file a petition pursuant to Act No. 85/1990 Coll. on the right of petition, as amended.

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