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Accessibility statement

Accessibility Statement

The National Agency for Network and Electronic Services is interested in ensuring the accessibility of its website in accordance with Act No. 95/2019 Coll. on information technologies in public administration and relevant implementing regulations within the scope of the conditions according to the directive (EU) 2016/2102.

This accessibility statement applies to the website


Compliance status

This website is partially in compliance with Act No. 95/2019 Z. z. on information technologies in public administration and on the amendment and addition of certain laws as amended and the relevant implementing regulations to the extent of the conditions under Directive (EU) 2016/2102 in view of the elements of non-compliance listed below.


Inaccessible content

The content below is not accessible for the following reasons:

  1. Non-compliance with Directive (EU) 2016/2102 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector entities:
  • Low line contrast [1.4.3. Contrast (minimum) (level AA)]
  • Heading Level Skipped [2.4.6 Headings and Labels]


Development of this Accessibility Statement

This declaration was prepared on September 4, 2023.

Evaluation of website compliance with the requirements of Act No. 95/2019 Z. z. on information technologies in public administration and relevant implementing regulations within the scope of the conditions according to the directive (EU) 2016/2102 was done by self-assessment.

The statement was last checked on September 4, 2023.


Feedback and Contact Information

For feedback on accessibility problems, non-compliance with prescribed requirements and to request information and content that are excluded from the scope of the directive, the Central Contact Center can be contacted at the address:
Phone number: + 421 2 35 803 083
Contact form:


Enforcement proceedings

In the event of unsatisfactory responses to initiatives or requests sent as part of the public sector entity's feedback in accordance with Art. 7 par. 1 letter b) of Directive 2016/2102 of the European Parliament, you can contact the entity entrusted with the enforcement of the Directive, which is the Ministry of Investments, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic, as part of enforcement proceedings, at the e-mail address: